The Profit Centre Blog

What's your "One Big Thing"?

Written by Peter Mueller | Feb 2, 2022 1:00:00 PM


We tend to overestimate what we can do in 1 year and underestimate what we can do in 5.

I looked into my own career and life and started pondering on the many things that I wanted to accomplish. In reflection, I noticed that there were a number of things that kept coming up every single year. I was inspired by this statement by determining that I will move forward at least one of those big items that I have been procrastinating on for years.
Many times at the beginning of the year we tend to make too many promises to ourselves. We have this perception that all of a sudden we will resolve to finally get all these things done.
I decided personally to only have one big bucket goal to accomplish this year, and may I point out that I said a Big Bucket goal.
Many things will get accomplished regardless, however, this one thing is the daily reminder of what we want to achieve.  I do business planning workshops throughout North America. My advice to my audiences is to take a sheet of paper and write down the ideas and action items that inspire you. Divide the paper in half and on one side write down those things that you wish to accomplish in one year and on the other side the balance of items to be accomplished in the next 5 years.  In so doing we focus our attention on the left side of the paper which gives us a priority focus. It is too easy to get distracted by the enormity of our lives and activities.
In my career, I have attended numerous motivational and training events. They are so inspirational however they are also overwhelming. I recall many times wanting to do everything that I heard. The reality was that after the training life happens and very little gets accomplished. I contend that if we chose at least one large item, ie: create an incredible listing presentation that will blow away the competition ... and focus only on that, we would essentially accomplish more.
Mine is writing a book. I have been meaning to do this for many years. The time has now come. By doing these workshops throughout North America, I am fortunate because I am constantly reminded to do as I preach. 
What is your "One big thing"?