The Profit Centre Blog

Mid-Year Review: Assessing Goals and Planning for Success

Written by Angela Hoffmann | Jul 4, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Conducting a mid-year review is essential for understanding your current business performance and making necessary adjustments to achieve your annual goals. An objective assessment provides a clear reality check that can enhance your performance in the latter half of the year.

By this point, you likely have an intuitive sense of how your business is performing. You know if you're on track or falling behind. A mid-year review translates these feelings into concrete data through a thorough business assessment and analysis of your numbers to date.

Reviewing your business now allows you to identify areas where you might be falling short. This gives you the opportunity to implement changes, such as hosting a client event, in a timely manner. Starting now rather than waiting until later in the year ensures you have enough time to make a meaningful impact.

Even if you didn’t create a business plan at the beginning of the year, it’s not too late. You can develop a six-month plan now to focus on finishing the year strong.

Business waits for no one. Significant changes can occur in a single month, so regular monitoring of your business is crucial. A mid-year review is a deeper dive into adjusting or creating new strategies to help you reach your goals.

Steps to Conduct Your Mid-Year Review

Step 1: Review Your Annual Goals

As we reach the midpoint of the year, it's crucial to review the goals we set at the beginning. Start by gathering all the objectives you established for the year and compile your year-to-date numbers for each category. This includes data on contacts made, appointments scheduled, listings taken, and transactions completed. Additionally, prepare your financial records such as your income statement and banking details. Having this comprehensive view will provide clarity on your current status and highlight areas that may need adjustment moving forward.


Step 2: Reflect on the Last Six Months

Reflecting on the last six months is the next step in this process. With your goals and actuals in front of you, take stock of your progress. Evaluate where you currently stand in relation to your initial goals and objectives. For each goal, document your current status and calculate the "gap-to-goal"—the amount needed to achieve your annual target. This exercise should encompass all metrics, including contacts, appointments, listings taken, and transactions. By comparing your goals with your actual activities, you can identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement as part of your ongoing review.


Step 3: Convert Your New Goals into Action

Moving from reflection to action involves converting your insights into tangible steps. Start by setting monthly goals for the remainder of the year based on your revised understanding of where you stand and what you need to accomplish. Develop a detailed action plan outlining the specific activities required to meet these goals. Whether it's increasing client interactions, securing more listings, or closing transactions, a well-defined plan will guide your efforts effectively. This proactive approach ensures that the second half of the year is productive and aligned with your overarching objectives.


Need Help?

If you need assistance in performing a comprehensive mid-year review of your business, we're here to help!

Contact Us to learn how we can support you in achieving your goals and maximizing your potential for the rest of the year.