A Simple Thank You Goes A Long Way

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jun 19, 2020 8:39:00 AM

People love to be appreciated, and that includes your clients!

More business can be generated from sending thank-you cards/notes than any other activity and implementing a simple daily ritual of writing 5 – 10 cards per day can dramatically increase your business. That’s a fact you can take to the bank.

We’re told this all the time, we are in the relationship business! What does it take to connect with and make someone feel special? It’s doing that extra bit, going that extra mile, doing what’s not expected.

Put yourself in the client’s shoes. If someone were to send you an email thanking you for listing your home with them, or, someone taking the time to handwrite you a lovely note and mail it to you. Which would impact you more?

What a great way to make use of this unusual time that we’re living in! Why not carve out half-hour to hour per day to writing notes? It’s so personal and unexpected. Start this habit today!

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Client Appreciation, Client Retention