What's your "One Big Thing"?

Posted by Peter Mueller on Feb 2, 2022 8:00:00 AM

We tend to overestimate what we can do in 1 year and underestimate what we can do in 5.

I looked into my own career and life and started pondering on the many things that I wanted to accomplish. In reflection, I noticed that there were a number of things that kept coming up every single year. I was inspired by this statement by determining that I will move forward at least one of those big items that I have been procrastinating on for years.
Many times at the beginning of the year we tend to make too many promises to ourselves. We have this perception that all of a sudden we will resolve to finally get all these things done.
I decided personally to only have one big bucket goal to accomplish this year, and may I point out that I said a Big Bucket goal.
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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Brokerage Profitability, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset

You Are Halfway There

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jul 8, 2020 8:30:00 AM

You made your business plan this year, right? Then circumstances changed everything and the business plan we made in January is no longer feasible. Sometimes in life we get thrown a curve ball. Unexpected things happen that you cannot predict. 

The most successful people in life are those who learn to roll with the punches and adapt to change. I believe that you can be one of those people.

We need to make a new business plan, for the next 6 months. The guide below and our Key Metrics Worksheet will help you define your new goal and outline a plan to achieve that goal for the remainder of the year.

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Business plan, Key Metrics, Goal Setting, Real Estate Business Plan

A Simple Thank You Goes A Long Way

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jun 19, 2020 8:39:00 AM

People love to be appreciated, and that includes your clients!

More business can be generated from sending thank-you cards/notes than any other activity and implementing a simple daily ritual of writing 5 – 10 cards per day can dramatically increase your business. That’s a fact you can take to the bank.

We’re told this all the time, we are in the relationship business! What does it take to connect with and make someone feel special? It’s doing that extra bit, going that extra mile, doing what’s not expected.

Put yourself in the client’s shoes. If someone were to send you an email thanking you for listing your home with them, or, someone taking the time to handwrite you a lovely note and mail it to you. Which would impact you more?

What a great way to make use of this unusual time that we’re living in! Why not carve out half-hour to hour per day to writing notes? It’s so personal and unexpected. Start this habit today!

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Client Appreciation, Client Retention

Why You Need a Real Estate CRM

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jun 6, 2020 8:37:00 AM

I’m astounded at the number of agents out there that still do not have a CRM!

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and it means exactly what it says. It’s a vehicle for you to maximize and leverage your business relationships, to stay in touch with your existing clients and prospects, and create new relationships.

More than 50% of agents do not use a CRM. If you’re one of the 50%, I’m going to tell you straight out – GET ONE! By the way, having Outlook, Excel, a spreadsheet, or a Word document are not CRM programs.

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Client Relationships, Database, Lead Follow Up

How to Outlist the Competition

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on May 19, 2020 8:33:39 AM

You’ve all heard it before, you’ve got to list to last in the business and it all starts with a dynamic, informative and engaging Pre-List Package.

You must present yourself and the price, very well.   

Imagine arriving at an appointment to find that the sellers already know about you and what makes you the best choice to sell their home.  

The pre-listing package and the listing presentation are the one-two punch that provides sellers with all the information they need about the selling process and how your services will benefit them. 

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Listing Presentations, Virtual Presentation, Buyer Presentations

Time for a Check Up!

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on May 11, 2020 12:33:06 PM

Let me ask you something, when was the last time you took a good hard look at the health of your business? 

Are your presentations stale and outdated? Are your systems efficient? Are your skills up to par? How confident are you with qualifying buyers and sellers or with converting leads? Do you fully utilize social media to its full potential? Do you know how much money you can spend on lead generation programs and promotion this year? Do you have a marketing strategy?  The list can go on and on.

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Team Profitability, Listing Presentations, Virtual Presentation, Buyer Presentations