Reporting Risks - Understand How Your Data Was Derived

Posted by Peter Mueller on May 9, 2018 1:54:23 PM

How Clean is the Data Upon Which You are Basing Decisions?

In order to run a profitable Real Estate Brokerage, one needs to know and truly understand the metrics involved in running one’s business.

At the Profit Centre, we strongly believe that THE most important metric in the brokerage business is Gross Profit Per Realtor® (GPPR). It is instrumental in defining your Gross Profit per Realtor® Objective (GPPRO), a fundamental business metric.

Through my experience working with over a thousand brokerages in varying capacities over the last ten years, the ability to access key information and more importantly clean information is critical in making sound financial and operational decisions.

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Topics: Brokerage Profitability, Reporting