Angela Hoffmann

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The Profitability Business Model

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Feb 26, 2024 12:40:00 PM


Introducing the Profitability Business Model for Broker Owners


At The Profit Centre, we've developed the Profitability Business Model, a strategic method designed to empower broker owners in building highly profitable businesses. 

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Topics: Brokerage Profitability, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset, real estate broker

Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Agent Series: The Power of Systems

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Feb 12, 2024 6:00:00 AM


Running a successful real estate business is no easy feat. As a real estate salesperson, you know that your time and energy are precious resources. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative impact of well-thought-out systems, drawing inspiration from Michael E. Gerber's "The E-Myth Mastery" and explore some insights on running a business through systems.

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Topics: Success, systems, checklists

Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Agent Series - The Power of Nurturing Your Database

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jan 22, 2024 1:40:00 PM

The next trait that Successful Agents have in common is the ability of nurturing their database. 

In the dynamic and highly competitive realm of real estate, where market fluctuations and shifting trends are the norm, successful agents recognize that their greatest asset lies in the relationships they forge with clients. Beyond the immediate gains of successful transactions, the ability to build and sustain a robust client base becomes a strategic imperative for long-term success. 


Here are 7 key ways to ensure lasting relationships and business success:

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Value Proposition, Client Relationships, Database, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset

The "Profitability Mindset": A Blueprint for Business Success

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jan 8, 2024 12:24:01 PM

As we begin a new year, it is good to set the tone for success and growth in our endeavors. We believe at The Profit Centre that at the forefront of any thriving business is a fundamental element that we consider to be foundational to success and that is “The Profitability Mindset.”

This is no ordinary mindset; it is the very foundation upon which successful businesses are built.  In fact, it forms the foundation of the Profit Centre's "Profitability Business Model," which provides real estate entrepreneurs with a clear roadmap to ensure the stability and prosperity of their business. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the "Profitability Mindset" and its transformative impact on businesses.

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Brokerage Profitability, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset, real estate broker

Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Agent Series - Diligent in Follow Up

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on Jun 30, 2022 8:15:00 AM

The next trait that Successful Agents have in common is diligence, especially in the area of follow-up.

They understand the value of following up with leads and that having good follow-up is the lifeblood of their business. It’s a skill that sets them apart from the mediocre agents out there that give up too soon when it comes to follow-up.

Lead conversion rates increase when follow-up systems are in place, which reduces the effort required to generate new leads.

Follow-up falls under 2 major categories:

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Topics: Agent Profitability, Client Relationships, Database, Lead Follow Up, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset

Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Agent Series - Superb At Setting Appointments

Posted by Angela Hoffmann on May 6, 2022 8:00:00 AM


To continue with our Attributes of Successful Agents series, we want to acknowledge that successful agents are proficient and adept at setting qualified appointments. They  know that it is the lifeblood of their business. No appointments, no clients, no business! It’s as simple as that.

Here’s the thing, it’s about getting qualified appointments, not just any old kind of one. I knew an agent that totally tired himself out going to appointment after appointment and not closing for the listing or the buyer. When we delved deeper into the situation, we discovered that he was just going with the emotional excitement of having an appointment without qualifying the lead to make sure it was worth the trip. Let that not be you!

At the end of the day, without QUALIFIED appointments, you will BURN OUT!
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Topics: Agent Profitability, Goal Setting, Success, Mindset